Welcome To the Washington County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Page

Washington County's Location

Washington County, Missouri was organized August 21, 1813 from Ste. Genevieve County. The County Seat is Potosi, Missouri, 63664.

Frenchmen RENAULT and LaMOTTE toured the area near present-day Potosi in 1722-23. No permanent settlement was made until 1763, when Francis BRETON settled near Potosi and began to operate a mine bearing his name. The Bellview Valley, near Caledonia, was settled in 1802 by Annanias McCOY, Benjamin CROW, and Robert REED.

Washington County is divided into eleven Townships:














View a map of Washington County showing approximate Townships Broken Link

Washington County Links | Washington County Lookups Broken Link | Washington County Queries
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Potosi, Missouri (place of noise) Broken Link

Old Mines, Missouri (use your BACK button to return here) Broken Link

View a map of Washington County Broken Link

Plat Map Book for Washington CountyBroken Link

Washington County Courthouse: Broken Link

Washington County Courthouse
102 N. Missouri St.
Potosi, MO 63664
573-438-5023 (Recorder)
573-438-4901 (County Clerk)
573-438-4171 (Circuit Clerk)
573-438-3691 (Probate Court)
573-438-3441 (Collector)

Recorder of deeds: Index to deeds, 1813-1895, Deed records 1813-1890; Plat book no dates, Marriage records 1815-1918, Negro Marriage records, 1865-1875

Clerk of the County court: Permanent record of births, 1883-1895; Permanent record of deaths 1883-1895; Negro marriage records with births, 1865-1875; Tax assessment ledger, 1854-1855

Clerk of the circuit court: Index to circuit court records 1814-1895; Circuit court records 1819-1886

Clerk of probate court: Index to probate records no dates; Probate records 1841-1887; Administrators bonds etc. 1825-1911; inv appraisments etc, 1813-1845 and1868-1879; settlement records, 1813-1855; guardians curators records 1848-1855; Will records 1819-1929.

Collector: Tax records; other revenue records


USGenWeb Washington County Archives More Information Here!

Search for Washington County Records in the MO State Archives Broken Link

Mine Au Breton Historical Society

The Mine Au Breton Historical Society can assist in genealogical research of Washington County historical records and other resources. Contact them at the following address:

Mine Au Breton Historical Society
c/o Marie Edgar, Secretary
10205 Weber Ln
Potosi, MO 63664

The Society requests a donation in return for research provided.

Visit the Mine Au Breton Historical Society homepage. Broken Link

Old Mines Area Historical Society (OMAHS)

The Old Mines Area Historical Society has historical publications for sale and provides research services. For contact information, membership information, and a list of their publications,
Visit the Old Mines Area Historical Society homepage.

Washington County Library Homepage

Broken Link

235 East High Street
Potosi, MO 63664

The Washington County Library web site.


Washington County Cemeteries

Includes listings of persons buried.

Washington County Churches List

Washington County 1830 Census - Part 1 Page 1-84

Washington County 1830 Census - Part 2 Page 85-104

St. Joachim Church - various baptism records 1820-1899

St. Joachim Church - various marriages 1821-1899

St. Joachim Catholic Church - First Communion Classes 1926-1932

St. James Church - various baptism records 1827-1892

St. James Church - various marriage records 1827-1904

St. James Church - various burial records 1845-1921

Washington County Early Marriages

Washing ton County Marriage Book #34 & #35 License issued March 1897 -- September 1911

Washington County, MO Pioneer Families   1850 Washington County Slave Schedule thanks to Tom Caulley. Broken Link

African American History of Washington & Iron Counties, Missouri Broken Link


Lookups of African-Americans in Washington County from 1840 to 1930:

Please email Elizabeth Launer for lookups in census records and other sources. Please include the words "AA in WASH CO." in your subject line.

Specific Church Records

records graciously transcribed &provided by Christine Lembeck

St. Joachim Catholic Church

St. James Catholic Church

St. Stephens Catholic Church Birth & Baptism Records 1880-1886

Brian Oster's wonderful marriage records, used by many researchers throughout the past several years, are no longer available because of his untimely death.
He and his research will be sorely missed.
-----Excerpts from Brian's obit-----

Brian Joseph OSTER, an avid Genealogist, passed away on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at the age of 58. Beloved son of Henrietta Oster and the late Joseph H. Oster. Brian was born in New Orleans, LA and resided and worked in Tampa, Florida for the past 20 years in the IT Department of Talbots, Inc.

Post Messages about Washington County, its history and residents.

Queries, Obits, Bible Records, Pension Records, Deed Records etc.

(this board replaces the former GenConnect boards - post all message types to this single board)

Post your Washington County Family Group Sheets

Search all below queries files for surnames Caution - many email addresses may be outdated.

Washington County Queries, Apr-Jun 1999

Washington County Queries, Jan-Mar 1999

Washington County Queries, Oct-Dec 1998

Washington County Queries, Jul-Sep 1998

Washington County Queries, Apr-Jun 1998

Washington County Queries, Jan-Mar 1998

Washington County Queries, Oct-Dec 1997

Washington County Queries, Jul-Sep 1997

Washington County Queries, Apr-Jun 1997

Washington County Queries, Jan-Mar 1997

Washington County Queries, 1996

Photos and tidbits from and about Washington County

An Early Washington County Wedding - Exciting! from 1888 Goodspeed's History Broken Link

Photos from St. Joachim Catholic Church, Old Mines, MO

Photo of Pasc(h)al & Mary B. (COLEMAN) DECLUE

A photo of an old Hunting Lodge in Potosi

Photos of classes from the Fountain Farm School  

Iron Ore Springs School at Ishmael, MO

Mark Twain National Forest (use your "Back" button to return to this page) Broken Link

Mining in Washington County

Can anyone identify the unknown lady in this photo?  Update - she has been identified! (Click the link)

Washington County Tidbits - newspaper articles, etc.

National Pigments and Chemical Company Information from the 1930's

Photos of unknown persons or persons for whom no or little information exists.
More Photos of unknown persons or persons, submitted by Sharon Hartzell Smith.

Subscribe to the Washington County Discussion List! This list is for discussion of genealogy, history, or other subjects pertaining to Washington County. To subscribe, click on the version you want below.

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To post a message to the List, send it to: MOWASHIN-L@rootsweb.com

Washington County locations included in the National Registry of Historic Places

Caledonia Historic District
Roughly bounded by Patrick, College, and Alexander Streets and MO Hwy 21.
Cresswell Petroglyph Archeological Site
Address Restricted
Cresswell, George, Furnace
MO Hwy F
Land Archeological Site
Address Restricted
Lost Creek Pictograph Archeological Site
Address Restricted
Susan Cave (23WA190)
Address Restricted
Washington State Park CCC Historic District
Roughly bounded by MO Hwy 102 and MO Hwy 104
Washington State Park Petroglyph Archeological Site
Address Restricted

The MOGenWeb Project

Washington County, MO in the Civil War
© 1998 Esther M. Ziock Carroll
Broken Link

A look at Washington County History

These links are a part of Carrolls' Corner - lots of Washington County History! Broken Link
Our sincere gratitude to Esther & Gene Carroll for sharing their splendid site.

Washington County Links

MOGenWeb and Other Missouri Links

US and World GenWeb Links

Bordering Counties

Personal Links

  • Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

  • Search for surnames and genealogical sites at Lines & Lineage Broken Link
    - includes Common Threads and I Found It!

    E-mail to Marcine Lohman replacing Larry Flesher, Washington County, MO.
    I am your new Washington County MOGenWeb administrator and I will be doing a LOT of work on this site in the future months. Please bear with me while I fix broken links and redesign the site for your viewing pleasure.
    The content on this page was last updated 1 Mar 2025.