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Elmer Roderique of Cadet, MO.
Mr. Elmer Roderique and Miss Alice Portell of Cadet were united in marriage here last Monday by Rev. Father Canning.
The ceremony was performed at the parochial residence. The bride and groom were adttended by Miss Blance DeGonia and
Mr. Austin DeGonia also of Cadet. After the ceremony the wedding party dined at the Austin Hotel and took the afternoon
train back to Cadet.
A story that reads like a romance from a modern novel
appeared in the Lead Belt News last week in which Bonne
Terre citizens are leading characters. The wife of the
young man referred to in the story was Irene Richardson,
daughter of our esteemed citizen, Warren Richardson. Here
is the little romance around which might be woven a novel
by some literary person.
"Some seventeen years ago Mrs. John Daily, mother of John
Dailey of Leadwood, died leaving John and three brothers
and their father. The children were all small and the
father being unable to care for them sent them to an
orphan's home in St. Louis; from which they were scattered
to the "four winds".
"John found refuge in the home of Zeno Kerlagon of just
east of Bonne Terre, where he spent eight or ten years, or
until he was married some six months ago, when he and his
bride took up housekeeping at Leadwood where he had
obtained employment.
"Everything was moving along nicely with the newly married
couple, but John was wondering where his father and three
brothers were, if they still be alive, until one day an
opportunity presented itself. One of his fellow workmen
had come from Potosi and having become acquainted with
John, asked him what relation he was to the Mr. Dailey,
who lived at Potosi. To which question John answered:
"I do not know." The fellow worker went ahead talking and
told John the reason he had asked the question was because
he spelled his name the same way and the two Daileys
favored each other so much. This put John to studying the
more and the thought arose in his mind that he would drive
to Potosi, seek the Mr. Dailey, and ascertain if he was
one of his lost family. He drove to Potosi last Sunday,
met the man and told the above story and the old gentleman
gathered him in his arms and said "Yes, you are my son,
John". Neither John or his father know the whereabouts of
the other three boys, but earnestly hope that they will
turn up all safe and sound.
"The father has been married the second time, and has six
children by his second wife and all are girls.
"What can you do to help find the three brothers of John?"
Note: It appears from his obituary that he must have
located two of his brothers:
The chairman of the board told him he must have a letter from his stating the condition at home. The next day Neb hove in sight over the hill road bearing a missive written on wrapping paper with a lead pencil. The chairman called his colleagues about him. This is what they read:
"Dear United States Army: My husband ast me to rite you a reckmend that he supports his family. He can’t read, so don’t tell him. Just take him. He ain’t no good to me. He aint done nuthin but drink lemmin essence an play the fiddle sense we married eight years ago. An I gotta feed seven kids of hissen. Maybe you kin git him to carry a gun.
He’s good on squirrels an eatin. Take him and welcum. I need his grub and bed for the kids. Don’t tell him this, but take him. Mary Jane Wilkinson"
On last Wednesday morning, (Given name not readable) Gill, a colored youth,
16 or 17 years of age, was brought to Potosi and lodged in jail, with the
serious charge of attempted rape of a white woman against him. The crime
took place at the home of Mrs. Chas. Clancy, near Blackwell, the night
previous. Gill had been employed by Mr. Clancy about his farm for the past
two years, and on the night referred to, knowing Mr. Clancy was away from
home visiting his father, who was ill, he came to the house and asked for
a match. As Mrs. Clancy opened the door he grappled with her. Although the
woman is an invalid, just recovering from an attack of inflammatory
rheumatism, she made a brave fight against the assault, at the same time
pleading with the boy to remember her kindness to him in the past and not
to carry out his purpose. In this way, after a struggle lasting for more
than an hour, she finally prevailed upon him to desist. He then picked up
a gun that was in the house and left. Mrs. Clancy at once raised an alarm
among the neighbors by telephone and a posse was quickly organized to
capture the young fiend. He was found at his father's home nearby making
preparations to leave. He was taken to Blackwell and the news of his
offense soon spread abroad, and the farmers gathered to hold an immediate
lynching bee. However, by the wise advice of Judge Thomas Higginbotham and
several others of the older heads, they were prevailed upon to let the law
take its course, and young Gill was hostled off to jail. He will
undoubtedly get a good, long term in the penitentiary. Woman Suicides By
Strangling This was not in the paper,
but Mrs. William Nephew's name was Lucille. Her parents were John and
Virginia DeGonia. She and William were married at St. Joachims in Old
Mines, Mo., 07 May 1877. Their children were: Cloves Nephew, Agnes May
Nephew Compton, Ella Josephine Nephew Hartzell Boyer Dunlap, Tresia
Corabell Nephew, Anne Arton Nephew Paul, Frank William Nephew, John
Nursecee Nephew, Clara Sarah Nephew, James Martin Nephew, Thomas Edward
Nephew and Bertha Lucille Nephew Grace Torrence.
(This information was submitted by the
great-grandaughter of Lucille Nephew) Hopewell News Marriage License
Five persons are reported dead and a score injured at Cadet, Missouri, a town of 300 inhabitants, twelve miles south of DeSoto, as the result
of the tornado which practically demolished the town. Wires are down in every direction and a creek between Desoto and the stricken village
is out of its banks. Of the dead at Cadet, two have identified. They are Mrs. Eli Polite, 35 years old, and her mother Mrs. Singleton, who
were crushed when their home was blown in upon them. Eli Polite, husband of Mrs. Polite, was taken from the wreckage fatally hurt. A relief
party departed tonight and is reported to have got through to Cadet despite the swollen creek.
A tornado hit Cadet, a town of 500 population, twelve miles south of here, in Washington County, Missouri. A number of persons are reported
killed and fifteen to twenty injured. The wind virtually swept the town away. Only ten houses in the south eastern part of the town were
left standing. Great damage was done in the northern part of the town. The path of the tornado through Cadet was three-quarters of a mile
wide. Great damage was also done in the country near Cadet, many farm dwelling houses and barns being wrecked. All wires were blown down.
An Iron Mountain signal man brought the news to Desoto. In the southern part of Jefferson County the storm wrecked an automobile in which
John Powers and Joseph J. Boyers and George Blackburn. Powers and Boyers were found dead and Blackburn is missing.
A telephone message reports four persons killed and several injured at Valley Mines, in Jefferson County. A number of buildings there were
A tornado yesterday afternoon struck Cadet, a little town with 500 population, 12 miles south of here in Washington County, Missouri. A number of persons are reported killed and fifteen to twenty injured. The wind virtually swept the town away. Only ten houses in the Southeastern section were left standing. Great damage was done in the north part of the town. The path of the tornado was three quarters of a mile wide. Great damage was also done in the country near Cadet, many farmhouses and barns being wrecked. A special train left here at six o’clock last evening to bring the injured to De Soto. All wires were blown down. In the southern part Jefferson County the storm wrecked an automobile in which were John Powers of Cape Girardeau and Joseph J. Boyer (NOTE: “Boyers” in newspaper print) and George Blackburn of De Soto. Powers and Boyers were found dead and Blackburn is missing. A telephone message last night reported four other persons
killed and several injured at Valles Mines, in Jefferson County. A number of buildings there were demolished.
Friday & Saturday the neighbors assembled at damaged places & put up the fences that had enclosed the fields.
Pieces of clothing, bedding & iron roofing can be seen in the tops of trees two miles from where the storm picked
them up.
Four or five persons were injured, but none very seriously, except Mrs. Singleton, mother-in-law of Eli Politte.
I went over a part of the course taken by the storm & it makes one sad to see what ruin can be done in so short a
space of time. I cannot estimate the property loss.
The storm seems to have first centered in Reynolds county Thursday afternoon about 2 o'clock, where it wrecked a number
of houses & blew down much timber. The northern part of Iron county was also in its path, as was also Bismarck, but
the latter point did not suffer much.
At Bismarck the storm seems to have divided, one section passing northward toward Cadet & Valle Mines, then towards
Flat River, Elvins & other Lead Belt towns. In the mining towns much damage to property followed the blow &
upwards of fifty people were injured, more or less seriously.
The only fatalities resulting from the storm are reported from Valle Mines, where it seems to have spent its force after
a particularly vicious effort at destruction. Susie Baker, a colored woman, & Ella Murphy, her niece, 10 years old
were found dead in the boughs of trees, 100 yards from where their house stood. Wesley Smith & 8 year old daughter,
also colored, were blown across Swashin creek, Smith was picked up dead & the girl rescued with both legs broken.
Wm. Bunt, postmaster at Valle Mines, was carried 150 feet in two lifts & finally jammed against a fence. He was only
seriously bruised, however.
Potosi did not feel the storm beyond a heavy rainfall, accompanied by some hail.
Squire S.S. Paul of Cadet was in town Monday last & stated that his home was right in the path of the cyclone last
Thursday, but just as it had approached within 150 yards of his house the storm veered & left him unharmed.
W. T. Woolford spent Thurdsay last in St. Louis.
Mr. James Long made a trip to St. Louis last Thursday.
Judge Dearing will convene circuit court at Ironton next Monday.
Frank McCallion of Bellefountain was in our town last Thursday.
K. E. Dewey of Troutt neighborhood was on our streets Thursday last.
Born to Mr. & Mrs. D. O. Jarvis of near Undine on April 7th a son.
Mrs. J. F. Evans & daughter, Miss Ollie, spent Saturday last in St. Louis.
Miss Minerva Declue returned home last Sunday from a week's sojourn in St.
Professors J. W. Houstin & B. F. McKinney of Irondale were in Potosi Saturday.
Mrs. W. T. Scott & sister Ethel Simmons of Latty were in Potosi Monday last.
Don't fail to hear Permelia & the band concert at the Opera House Thursday
The Potosi High School will graduate a class of nine at the close of the
present school term.
Piedmont now has a daily paper, the Banner, issuing such an edition as well
as its weekly.
John Compton of Latty was a caller at this office on Wednesday last to
settle with the printer.
Miss Ethel Bunyard of Piedmont, Mo. is the guest of Misses Margaret & Lizzie
Belle Richeson.
Robert Recar of Cruise was in Potosi Tuesday & made the Journal office to
visit to renew his paper.
Mr. Jesse Horton of Belgrade was a caller at the office Thursday last to
order his name enrolled on our subscription list.
The Journal issues a supplement this week containing the county clerk's
annual report of the financial condition of Washington County.
T. F. Blount has sold Walter Northcutt two lots, 100 by 105 feet, in block 5
of the Townsend addition, adjoining Mr. Northcutt's home in that part of
The 300th anniversary of the English Bible will be observed at the
Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning. The entire service will be
appropriate to the occasion.
The office of maintenance & ways of this division of the Iron Mountain, that
was moved to Poplar Bluff some thime ago, has been moved back to DeSoto.
The recent session of the Missouri legislature removed the restriction upon
county treasurers which limited them to one term of office, four years.
Under the new law they may now become candidates to succeed themselves.
Reynolds county elected a woman as its county's superintendent of schools,
Miss Lulu Barton. She defeated two male opponents for the place getting a
majority of 187 over their combined vote. They say she is a lulu as a
All the churches here were well attended at the easter services last Sunday.
The day was an ideal one for the occasion & those who had new clothes aired
these adornments, those who had none, well - they aired their old ones.
Squire S. S. Paul of Cadet was in town Monday last & stated that his home was
right in the path of the cyclone last Thursday, but just as it had
approached within 150 yards of his house the storm veered & left him
The Bismarck Gazette says the people of Caledonia will subscribe $15,000 or
$20,000 toward the new railroad project in that part of the county & that
Belgrade would come to the front with a similar sum. They've got the money
all right over there.
Mrs. Sarah Johnson came down from St. Louis last Sunday on her way to
Belgrade, where she expects to spend the summer. She was accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. N. J. Townsend, who will spend several days with relatives at
The Potosi High School ball team went over to Flat River last Saturday where
they engaged Flat River High in a bout on the diamond. The game resulted in
a score of 16 to 4 in favor of Flat River. The local team plays Bismarck
here next Saturday.
Earl Plank writes us to change his paper from Bonne Terre to St. Louis. He
had taken a postion as time keeper for the Terminal Railroad Association at
the shops at Brooklyn, Ill., at a better salary than he was getting in the
railroad offices at Bonne Terre.
G. W. Scoggin of Glover, Wayne county, has brought suit against the Iron
Mountain Railroad for $51,500 damages for failure to install a switch. Some
day some Potosian will bring suit against the Iron Mountain for damages to
his eyes for maintaining the eyesore it calls a depot here.
By a recent arrangement the star route mail from Aptus to Potosi was
discontinued. The carrier on rural route No. 1 has had his route extended
to Aptus to which point he takes a sack six times a week. From Aptus the
mail is carried to Troutt three times a week, instead of six under the old
A team hitched to a buggy, driven by George Johnson, one of our liverymen,
ran away at the depot last Monday afternoon. In pulling on the lines to
restrain the fightened horses the lines broke & Johnson jumped out of the
vehicle to save himself. He was thrown with considerable force, however, &
suffered a sprained ankle & wrenched arm.
The city board of aldermen met last Wednesday evening & re-organized. The
business of the preceding year was wound up without any outstanding
indebtedness & over $200 in the city treasure. It is claimed that more work
was done on the city's streets in the past year than was ever accomplished
in the same time by any previous administration. Now that a fresh start is
being taken it might be well for the board to publish a statement of the
various receipts & expenditures just to show the people how & where the city
revenues are being expended. There is no ordinace requiring this, but all
other cities are doing it regularly, either annually or semi-annually. In
Potosi it has not been done for a number of years, yet we are entitled to
Rev. Joseph A. Russell, one of the oldest Methodist preachers of his section
of the state, died at his home in Lutesville on April 8th, at the age of 73
years. He was an old Confederate soldier & lost an arm in the war. Many
years ago Mr. Russell had a ministerial charge in this county for several
years & will be remembered by some of our older citizens.
Rev. Geo. L. Chapman of St. Louis, missionary of the Churches of God passed
through Potosi Monday last & left the following announcements: He began a
protracted meeting at Palmer Monday night, April 17th, which will continue
over the fifth Sunday. On the fourth Sunday he will go to Sugar Grove to
fill his regular appointment. There will be a corner stone laying service
at 11:00 a.m. on that day at the new Bethel near Adam with baptizing in the
afternoon. On Monday after the fifth Sunday he will go to Belgrade to begin
a revival service.
Deptuy Constable James Richeson of Flat River, formerly of Latty, this
county, had a shotgun battle with three yeggmen in "Hungarian town" at Flat
River last Monday morning & captured one of the gang & wounded another. The
wounded man escaped with the third member of the gang. Sheriff London & a
posse are now searching the country between Flat River & Bismarck. The two
fugitives are heavily armed. The captured man gave the name of Charles
Allen Shountz, Burlington, Iowa. When captured he wore three suits of
clothes & a suit of overalls. A grip dropped by the yeggmen containted
skeleton keys, steel saws, dynamite caps & fuse. When caught, the robbers
were in the act of disposing of a large quantity of stolen goods to the
The circuit court got through with the Yarbrough brothers, Albert & Walter,
last Thursday morning by handing them two years each in the penitentiary on
the charge of felonious assault. They were taken to Jeff. City by Sheriff
Casey the latter part of last week, Harvey Huitt going along as Deputy
Sheriff. There are three of the Yarbrough boys in the pen now, Chris having
been sent there from Howell county some time ago on a 15 year sentence for
horse-stealing & jail-breaking. Walter got four years altogether in the
circuit court here last week, & Albert has the best part of a paroled
sentence of five years to serve out now in addition to the two years he has
just received. The Yarbrough boys have been a heavey burden to the
taxpayers of this county for a number years because of their criminal
tendencies piling up court costs.
A double header replevin suit was scheduled for hearing in Esq. Thurmond's
court Monday. It was over a saddle which Joe Bealke had left at Woodruff's
stable & was afterwards claimed by J.E. Crow & John Scott, both replivend
for it, Crow from Woodruff & Scott from Crow. Attorneys Frank Farris &
James Booth were here, each representing a side of the controversy. It did
not come to a hearing, being settled in some way so that judgement in
default was rendered in favor of Crow. The saddle was worth about thirty
dollars. Costs & attorney's fees probably amount to forty or fifty, &
besides Frank Johnson, acting in Crow's interest, got a badly blackened eye.
Lore had been working with Murphy's threshing machine in the National Lead
Company's wheat field Saturday, and that evening went to the home of Barnes,
whose wife is Lore's sister, and together they went to Jackson's saloon at
Cantwell and were "canning" beer in the woods near by.
Mrs. Barnes thought they were staying out too late and went over to where
they were and gave them a deserved curtain lecture. Lore objected to this
and it is said talked back at her in a way that her husband resented, and
the two men got into a fight in which Lore beat Barnes up pretty badly. Mr.
and Mrs. Barnes then went home.
Later Lore said he must go over to Barnes' to give his sister some money for
his wife. When he got to the door, they ordered him away, which made him
mad and ready for another fight. He went outside the gate and stood there
abusing them, when Barnes grabbed up a knife and started out after him. His
wife, son, and a Mr. Whaley tried to hold him back, but he jerked away from
them and ran out, and the two men began to strike at each other over the
gate. Barnes struck Lore with the knife in the lower part of the breast,
just above the pit of the stomach. After he was stabbed Lore walked away
about seventy-five or a hundred yards and fell. Before a physician could be
summoned and get to him he was dead.
Coroner English held an inquest over the body Sunday at which the foregoing
facts were brought out. Preliminary examination of Barnes before Squire
Calvird at Desloge today will be waived, we understand, and he will be
released on bond.
For Sale, 168 acres, rich soil; lays well; 80 improved; good timber; orchard; water; near railroad; bargain.
N. Dapron, Cadet, MO
St. Louis, May 31
An Iron Mountain passenger train bore the most seriously injured to
Desoto, about 15 miles north of Mineral Point.
The dead: Thomas Lemasters, Iron Mountain conductor; Augustus Boone,
Iron Mountain signal man; Frank Goss, 4 years old; Frank Lachamp, Fred
Harper, Eye, Missouri.
Two coaches of an Iron Mountain local running between Mineral Point and
Potosi were blown from the track, and it was in this wreckage that
Conductor Lemasters and Flagman Boone were killed. The injured were cared
for at Desoto in an emergency hospital fitted up in the railroad
building. Doctors have been sent from St. Louis to aid in the work there.
Relief to the homeless in Mineral Point was given by surrounding towns.
Many persons were taken to Desoto and Potosi in automobiles, because of the almost impassable condition of the
roads, the rescue work was slow.
Mineral Point is about 75 miles south of St. Louis. The storm struck
the village about 3 pm. Wire communication was cut off almost entirely,
the first report reaching here over the Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain
line. Later telephonic communications was established with Desoto.
Much property damage was done in Alexander County, Illinois, where two
men lost their lives. One of the freaks of the Illinois storm occurred
near Mounds, when a ten ton steam roller was lifted and whirled for 50
An automatic block signal on the Iron Mountain railroad near Mineral
Point, put into operation by the wind, warned a Memphis-St. Louis train
carrying 400 passengers who watched the storm destroy the village and
then gave aid to the injured. The victims were place on board the train
and taken to Desoto where they were cared for at the railroad Y.M.C.A.
Scores of negroes at Mineral Point aided in the rescue work, according
to Conductor Gragg of the Memphis-St. Louis train. A number of freaks
were reported, one being the experience of the station agent who was
standing with his arm about the shoulders of Thomas Lemasters, conductor,
when the Mineral Point station was demolished. The agent escaped
unhurt but Lemasters was killed instantly.
A thrilling race with the tornado was won by the engineer of the
Mississippi and Bonne Terre railroad near Mineral Point and possibly saved
the lives of 100 passengers. When the twister became visible the
conductor ordered the engineer to put on full steam in an effort to out run
it. The storm followed the train for more than a mile before it changed
its course.
Casualty Lists: Under Died From Disease
Private A. A. Villmer, Old Mines, killed in action.
Corp. Michael Cordia, Richwoods, Killed in Action
Americans Killed and Wounded on the French Front
St. Louis, October 15
Return to the Washington County homepage
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Fair Play
January 22, 1910
From Monroe, La. - Henry Boyer, wanted in Washington County Missouri on a charge of murder, and
for whom a $300 reward was outstanding, was arrested here and is being held for the Missouri
authorities. Boyer confessed to the crime to Sheriff Parker, saying he killed his victim at a
dance hall where they had trouble.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
San Francisco Call, July 5, 1910
HALF A CENTURY SPENT AT THE KEY - Veteran Telegraph Operator Dies After Remarkable Record of Continuous Service
Irondale, Mo. - July 4 - Almost half a century at the telegraph key, in the employ of the same company, is the remarkable record of William Martin, station agent of the Iron Mountain railroad, who was buried at Desoto, Mo., yesterday.
Martin was born in Baltimore, 66 years ago. He entered the service of the Iron Mountain as telegraph lineman under Colonel R. C. Clowry, now president of the Western Union telegraph company, when 18. He was made station agent eight years later, was transferred to Irondale as agent, in which capacity he remained until his death. Martin was present at the battle of Pilot Knob, in September 1864. He was then a member of the telegraph corps of the federal forces.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
San Francisco Call, July 2, 1912
Young - In this city, July 1, 1912, Cynthia Susan, widow of the late Eleazer J. Young and beloved mother of Mrs. Lillian M. Regallo and Arthur S. Young, sister of E. B. Smith and Mrs. M. H. Lytton and Mrs. E. J. Northcutt of Missouri and Mrs. W. E. Lytton of Montana and Mrs. S. J. Bubb of Palo Alto, Cal., a native of Washington County, Missouri, aged 56 years, 3 months and 18 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Wednesday), July 3, at 1:30 p.m. from the parlors of Martin and Brown, 1868 Geary Street. Interment Mount Olive Cemetery, by automobile.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
The Cape County Herald
December 20, 1912
C. A. Eaton, cashier of the Irondale bank, has a long list of endorsements for State Bank Examiner from this
southeast Missouri district, including several prominent banks and bankers of St. Louis. Eaton is the son of Dr.
J. A. Eaton, Belgrade, Mo., representative elect of Washington County and has possibly had the distinction of being
the youngest bank cashier in Missouri. He received his education at Columbia and Cape Girardeau, and has had four
years practical experience as a banker.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
St. Louis Post Dispatch
March 6, 1914
Dr. Daniel F. Hochdoerfer of 3405 Pestalozzi Street, chief autopsy physician of St. Louis, Friday returned from Potosi, Washington County,
Missouri, whether he was taken in custody of a sheriff and fined $937 for contempt of court Thursday because he had forgotten all about a
summons to appear Monday, though Potosi is only 69 miles from St Louis, Dr. Hochdoerfer figures the journey cost him $59.37.
Dr. Hochdoefer was in a restaurant at Grand and Magnolia avenues Wednesday night when a tall slim man approached him and addressed him by
When the doctor acknowledged the salutation the strange showed him a star, and introduced himself as Sheriff L. C. Flynn of Washington
Dr. Hochdoerfer then remembered that he had been summoned as a witness in the case of a Potosi constable who shot William Portney at
Richmond [Richwoods-Ed.], Missouri, August 13, last. Portney died in a St. Louis hospital and Dr.
Hochdoerfer made the autopsy.
Submitted by Sharon Smith
January 19, 1916 (Potosi Journal) Cadet Couple Weds in Potosi
Alice Portell of Cadet, MO.
Bonne Terre Register, April 28, 1916.
John Dailey, Taken from Orphan's Home Does Not Know His
Father Is Living.
St. Joseph Observer, Saturday, November 4, 1916
George Noonan, 46 years old, clerk of the county court of Washington County, his wife, her mother, Mrs. Mary Campbell, and Wade Richardson, 10, all of Potosi, were drowned in the Big River at Blackwell, St. Francois County, when a wagon in which they were attempting to ford the river was swept downstream with its team of horses.
The St. Joseph Observer, September 29, 1917
In this day of exemption stories, the prize, the one that takes the platter and the pastry as well, comes from Palmer, Missouri, from which place Neb Wilkinson was drafted into the army, but still wondering (but his wife is not) why the draft board of Washington county, sitting at Potosi, rejected his plea for exemption.
When he was drafted last week, he passed, the physical examination, being found sound in wind and limb. Except that his heels showed fresh stone bruises, acquired from hiking over Ozark hills, he looked able to carry a rifle.
But he evidently didn't want to fight, and his eyes continually sought the far blue hills, as told of his patch and his wife and family of seven children dependent on him for support.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Fair Play
February 3, 1917
Raymond Ramsey was arrested near Sprott last Saturday and brought to Ste. Genevieve. Ramsey was
wanted in Washington County on a horse stealing charge. Sheriff Casey of Washington County
arrived in Ste. Genevieve, Monday and took charge of the prisoner.
St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 6, 1919
D.S.C. (Distinguished Service Cross) to 5 Missouri Men
Corp. Melvin G. Politte, Headquarters Company, Fourth Infantry.
For extraordinary heroism in action near Grand Ballois Farm, July 15. After seeing many
of his comrades killed or wounded in attempting the same mission. Corp. Politte went
forward under heavy shell and gas bombardment and repaired telephone lines. Lexia J.
Politte, father, Old Mines, Missouri.
Potosi Journal, Wednesday, February 2, 1910, Vol
16, No. 24
Potosi Journal, February 2, 1910, Vol 16, No
Coroner E. W. McFadden was notified
last Thursday of the death of Mrs. William Nephew, who lived near the
Fountain Farm, in the neighborhood of Cadet, and went out there that
afternoon to hold an inquest on the body. He reports that Mrs. Nephew, who
was between 50 and 60 years of age, was found lying in the bed with a
piece of binder-twine wrapped several times around her neck and drawn
taut. She was then dead. One end of the twine had the appearance of having
been fastened to a nail in the ceiling just over the bed, from which it
had evidently slipped when the woman struggled. The daughter, who was the
only person at home at the time, testified that after breakfast her mother
instructed her to clean up the yard, which she went about, and afterwards
attended to some household duties, thinking her mother asleep in the
bedroom. Later when she went into the bedroom she found her mother as
stated. Ill health is the cause assigned for the woman's rash act, as she
had not been herself for a year or more physically and mentally. She is
survived by her husband and several grown children, to whom we extend our
Potosi Journal,
Wednesday, Feb 2, 1910, Vol 16, # 24
The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 14, 1911
"Cadet Wiped Out"
Adams County News, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, April 14, 1911
Desoto, Mo.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Warren Evening Mirror, Warren, Pennsylvania, April 14, 1911
DeSoto, MO - April 11
Provided by Esther M. Ziock Carroll
Destructive Cyclone At Cadet - (From: The Potosi Journal - 19 April 1911) - Much Property Destroyed & a Number of People
Injured - Several Fatalities at Valle Mines
Our correspondent at Cadet sends the following account of the visitation there: On Thursday afternoon a cyclone passed
over this part of Washington county, doing considerable damage to property & destroying an immense amount of valuable
timber. The storm came from the west, cutting a wide swath through the forest on the Company's claim near Shibboleth.
One of the large barns on the estate of the late Alfred Long was razed level with the ground. The next house in the path
was a building owned by C. A. Young, close by the railroad track, which was moved about four inches from its foundation.
Next was the residence of Paul Boyer, which was partially unroofed. The house of Jim May was badly damaged, as was also
a small log house near the May place. Then comes the house in which Claude Coffman lived, the kitchen of which was
demolished. Next was the home of Jack Boyer, every building on the place was completely ruined. Eli Politte's house &
all the out buildings were destroyed, as was also practically all his household goods & food supplies. The storm then
crossed the railroad track & in its path was the home of A. Jolly, which was badly broken up. Mrs. Jolly & four
children were in the house when the storm struck it & how they escaped was a miracle. The next place was Mack
Roderique's, which was partially destroyed. The storm then crossed to Mill Creek & the bluff caused it to veer, &
it caught the house & barn of Tom Degonia & in a few moments desolation was complete. The barn of Frank
Degonia was also badly injured.
Submitted by Esther M. Ziock Carroll
Local Items
From: The Potosi Journal - 19 April 1911
FARMINGTON TIMES, Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri, Thursday, July
25, 1912
Last Saturday night Emmet Barnes and John Lore got into a personal
difficulty near Cantwell, which resulted in Barnes stabbing and killing
The Lincoln Daily Star, Lincoln, Nebraska, December 21, 1913
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
The Newark Advocate, Newark Ohio, May 31, 1917
A tornado twisted into Mineral Point, Missouri, a village of about 300
inhabitants, late yesterday afternoon, killed about four pesons and
injured 30, demolished the town witht the exception of the schoolhouse,
and then moved southward to Eye, where Fred Harper, a farmer, was killed
by flying debris.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, February 18, 1918
Mrs. Mary Relfe Williams, widow of the late Robert Williams, who died in 1904, died at her home 1120 McNally St., Sunday evening at 9:00
o’clock. Mrs. Williams fell about ten weeks ago, fracturing a bone, which, together with old age, resulted in her death.
She was born in Washington County, Missouri, September 3, 1833. She was married in April 1856 and came to Livingston County in 1858, where she
has since resided.
Four children survive as follows: Robert L. and Minnie Williams and Mrs. Florence Beane, all of this city, and Guy Williams of Creston, Iowa.
Another son, Clarence, died about a year ago. Funeral services will be held from the home Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. J. N. Boyd,
pastor of the Elm St. M. E. Church, of which Mrs. Williams was consistent member. Interment will be made in Edgewood.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Charleston Mail, Charleston, West Virginia, August 21, 1918
Corporal Lloyd F. Brown, Potosi, Missouri
Private Patrick Daniel Litton, Potosi, Missouri
The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe,
Missouri, September 27, 1918
The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe,
Missouri, December 4, 1918
The Washington Post, Washington D.C., December 9, 1918
Toney E. Eye, Potosi, Missouri
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, October 17, 1919
The Potosi National Bank at Potosi, Missouri, 67 miles south of St. Louis, was
looted early today. The two bandits with an acetylene torch burned their
way into the vault and escaped with $25,000.00, it is reported.
Larry Flesher, Washington County, MO