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During the year of 1891 the recorder of Washington county issued 106 marriage licenses.
New says that a few days prior to last Christmas he was on the
"bum" from home and got permission from Pataschwich to sleep in a stable
adjoining his junk shop on the south side of Clinton, between Broadway
and Ninth streets. On the 23rd a stranger dressed like a miner visited
the place and seemed to be a friend of the junk dealer.
The stranger told a story of good luck out west, and exhibited a small
fortune in gold that he said he accumulated in his ramblings. They
talked for some time in the junk shop and then rushed the "growler"
very freely. Patashwich did not drink much of the beer, but insisted on
the strange visitor consuming nearly all of it. Soon the stranger got
very "tipsy" and quarrelsome. From angry words the pair come to
blows and the junk dealer felled the stranger to the floor with the blow
of a piece of iron. Then he pounced on him and cut his throat with a
razor. This done the junk dealer danced about in great glee. He
dragged his body into one corner and buried it under a pile of old rags and
iron. Then he left the place.
Here the body remained until the night of December 23.
"I was back in the stable" said New, "Hearing the "Sheeny"
hustling about the shop I peeped through the cracks between the boards to
see what he was doing. He had the body uncovered and was stripping it
of the clothing. When he had this done he turned the pockets inside
out and then began ripping pants legs. As he ripped them I saw gold
pieces fall out like rain drops, and think there must have been several
hundred dollars in the pile."
"Having gathered up the gold Pataschwich dragged the body back and
covered it over. About 12 o'clock that night he hauled his wagon into
the stable and I helped him fill the bed with manure. Then he drove me
out, but I watched him and saw him drag the naked body from the junk
shop and pitch into the wagon. Then he loaded the rest of the manure on
top of it. The body was completely buried in the manure when he drove
away. I followed the wagon down to the foot of Madison street and
saw the whole wagon load dumped into the river."
On this information the police started out on a hunt for Pataschwich.
They learned that he had moved some months ago further south, and today
he was located at Mineral Point and arrested. "Why didn't you
tell this story before?" asked Chief Harrigan when the young man had
finished the terrible story. "Well, I did tell it to several people,
but not for some time after, and I was afraid to tell the police for fear
that I would be suspected of having had a hand in it." "Who did
you tell?" "I told my pals, fellows with whom I loafed. I
supposed it was in that way that you learned that I knew anything about it."
The chief admitted that it was. New had told the story to many and
repeated it so often that it finally got around to the hearing of the
Detective Gocking of the fourth district, was the first member of
the force to hear of it. He heard the story last Saturday and looked
New up. New refused at first to tell the story and was locked up.
Believing the story a weird fairy tale, Capt. Matt Kiely besought the
young man to deny it. This he refused to do, saying that he has not been
able to sleep a night since the terrible butchery. Then he told the
whole story over several times and all efforts to catch him lying proved
to no avail. He was released and not molested until this morning.
In the meantime Capt. Kiely visited the scene of the alleged tragedy,
on the south side of Clinton, between Broadway and Ninth streets. Here
he found that everything was as New had stated it was last December.
Mike Pataschwich kept a junk shop there, and the surroundings were
exactly as he described them. The neighbors were then importuned, but no
information of the murder could be elicited. The records were searched
for missing people but availed nothing. The chief was then informed and
ordered the arrest of Pataschwich. From among the neighbors it was
learned that Pataschwich moved last January to Mineral Point and this
morning a warrant charging him with murder was sworn out and Detective
Gocking was sent after him. Gocking is expected back this evening with
his prisoner.
Gov. W. J. Stone, on last Monday commissioned Miss Frances E. Flynn as a notary public for Richwoods township. Miss Flynn, while in Potosi,
on last Monday, qualified, and she now has the honor of being the only lady notary in this part
of the State.
I have added in addition to my barber shop a bath
room. Any person can get a Hot Bath, Cold Bath or Shower Bath within
twenty minutes notice. Prices are reasonable; either by month or single
bath - J. W. McHenry
H. H. Robinson, principal of the Bellefontain
School, arrived yesterday to take charge of the school.
Mr. Wm. McCarron is suffering with a severe scalp
wound, inflicted by Conductor Yates, while he was engaged in a set-to with
the brakesman on the mail train returning from DeSoto on the 4th. After
arriving home Dr. Eaton dressed his wound, and when the train arrived the
following day the conductor was arrested, charged with felonous assault.
He gave bond and proceeded with the mail train.
Wm. M. Mattingly, of Charleston, visited the
family of Mr. L. A. Watkins in Potosi
LOST - A pension voucher belonging to John Barron.
Finder will please return to R.M. Bugg Mercantile Co.
Passenger train No. 66, yesterday morning, struck
and killed an unknown man on the first bridge north of Cadet. Remains were
taken to Blackwell where an inquest is being held by Coroner Teasdale
Partial Obit The party given on last Friday evening, at the
home of Mr. John Flynn in Potosi, was one of the most enjoyable affairs of
the season. At 11 o'clock the guests were invited into the dining room
where refreshments were served... Miss Bridget Flynn, hostess
The children of John Ogie, of Richwoods, were
admitted to the county poor house as charges of the county.
The following named persons were appointed road
overseers for the year commencing May 6, 1895, for their respective
districts: Joseph M. Schmidt, Robert Abram, W. H. Kimberlain, Joseph Declue;
Joseph Ennor; Thomas Ronquest, Eugene Boyer, Peter Coleman, Timothy Flynn,
J. Henry Declue,Frank Roderique, Henry L. Smith, Peter B. Cole, John T.
O'Hanlon, Samuel Patterson, John Trudo, George F. Bales, John A. Ramsey,
F.M. Wortham, William Goodson, F.S. Wilkinson, James Yount, James Dickey,
Harrison Queen, Anthony Miller, William H. Whaley, Thomas B. Bradley,
Jasper N. Lewis, John M. Maxwell, George Fatchett, Jules T. Boyer, William
B. Hill, John H. Baker, William T. Scott
The flourishing Missouri city of Potosi has a great many things to be proud of and a great many blessings to be thankful for, but
especially are thanks and pride both due for the beauty and charm of its women. The progress of civilization, culture and refinement of
race is inevitably indicated in the prevailing type of feminine beauty, and there is no section of imperial Missouri, in the opinion of
all good Potosians, that can surpass this place when it comes to a fair comparison of the good looks, grace and bearing of the society
girls. It is consequently, with the most comfortable feeling of security in making this claim that the accompanying group of seven of
the most popular belles of Potosi society is herewith submitted to the study of an admiring public.
Miss Jeanette Headlee, whose picture appears in the above group, is a charming brunette, the daughter of Mr. J. B Headlee of this place.
She is highly accomplished young lady, especially in music and art, and to much natural talent adds the power of these acquired
attractions, making her one of the leading figures among the society girls of Potosi.
Miss Becca Casey is dainty blonde, with soulful blue eyes and dazzling complexion. She possesses a most winning manner, is a
conversationalist of rare tact, and sensibly fond of the pleasures of society. As a result of her charms of person and manner Miss
Casey has a host of admirers.
Miss Ava Watkins, who is a particularly handsome brunette, stately and imposing, is the daughter of Mr. L. A. Watkins, a commercial
traveler for the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company of St. Louis. The family has a charming home here, and the daughter, Miss Ava, is
extremely popular in Potosi society.
Miss Mattie Davidson is the daughter of Postmaster Benjamin Davidson of this place. She is a beautiful brunette, vivacious and magnetic,
and quite fond of society. One special feature of Miss Davidson's attractiveness is her grace of bearing and this, with the additional
charm of classic features and rich complexion, render her a fitting representative of local beauty.
Miss Myrtle Wood is the daughter of ex Mayor, W. N. Wood of Potosi, and a member of one of our oldest and best known families. She is of
the blonde type of beauty, of delicate features, and a very winning in conversation.
Miss Lottie Smith is a dark haired and dark eyed young lady, whose brunette beauty is fittingly accentuated and emphasized by graceful
enthusiasm of manner that sits well upon her. She is the daughter of Mr. J. L. Smith, traveling salesman for the Wear-Boogher Dry Goods
Company of St. Louis and is very popular here.
Miss Hattie Horsen is the daughter of Mrs. W. D. Horsen for many years proprietress of the Hotel Austin in this city. Miss Horsen is fair
with blue eyes and light hair, and is one of the favorites of local society.
Charles Kidd was the son of H. P. Kidd, Esq., one of Mineral Point's more respected citizens, and was only about eighteen years of age.
Sad Death of a Young Man: Charles H. Kidd of Mineral Point, Washington Co, son of the superintendent of bridge construction for the Iron
Mountain Railroad, was struck by the engine of a freight at Fredericktown as it slowed up to take water.
Mangled by an Engine: On last Friday morning at 4 o'clock, Mr Charles Kidd, aged 19 years, of Mineral Point, was run over by the engine
attached to No. 80 and nearly cut in two. The coroner's jury cleared the train men from all blame and it was not deemed necessary to examine
the engineer and fireman of the engine that ran over young Kidd and find out what they knew, but two important witnesses, the men that drove
the buses, and were sound asleep at the time of the accident were examined all right. The jury said "he came to his death by going to sleep
on the track". How did they know he went to sleep on the track? The very men who could have thrown some light on this question were not
summoned by the coroner to testify in the case. The young man never drank, so his father states, and as Thursday night was a very cold night,
and he was waiting for the 3 o'clock train to go home, the idea that he would lay down, nevertheless, the coroner should have taken the time
and had these men before him and sifted this matter to the bottom. It would have been easy enough to have traced the whereabouts of the young
man from 6 o'clock in the evening until 12 o'clock that night. What was it not done?
The News is informed that Mr. Kidd, father of the young man who was run over by an engine on the Iron Mountain road in this city of Friday,
the 27th of December, has decided to investigate the matter and to that end will have the remains exhumed and has engaged Dr Norwine of Bonne
Terre to make a thorough examination of the body to determine whether any marks of violence other than those made by the engine can be found.
Mr. Kidd is justly indignant at the slipshod way the coroner conducted the inquest, if inquest it could be called.
Deceased was born in Potosi, Missouri, Sept. 6, 1871, came to Venice
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd, in 1872, where she has since
She married William F. Stege in 1892. Two children were born to the
union, little Ruby, a bright little girl of 2 years preceding her mother
to the grave several months ago. The husband and infant child also a
fond mother and father and several sisters and brothers are left to
mourn her loss. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2 p.m. to Nameoki.
P.T. Ramsey left Monday last with a car load of
mules for Memphis, Tennessee
Asa Barger, who has been employed as a street car
conductor in St. Louis, returned to his home Saturday last
We regret to learn of the death of of Mr. Felix
Barron, of Irondale, which took place at his home Monday night and was
caused by a congestive obill. Mr. Barron was an old and much respected
citizen of Concord township. He was postmaster, and for many years has
been engaged in the general merchandise business at Irondale.
Patrick Walsh, age 60 years, died at Blackwell
Monday morning, suddenly. Mr Walsh was a citizen of Mineral Point, and was
employed by the I.M.R.R. as a watchman at the tunnel near Vineland. He
carried a life insurance policy in the Catholic Knights of America at
Potosi for $2000.00, which amount will be paid to his wife.(another
article states five children survive him)
At Cadet, Missouri, on January 5, 1897, William
Culton, aged 82 years. He came to this county about the year 1824 from
Kentucky. He was buried at Cole's Graveyard on Tuesday, a large number of
friends attending the funeral. The deceased leaves one son, E.H. Culton.
Probate Docket February
The deceased leaves a widow and three small children [Joseph Nixon, Thomas Michael. and John William], and
numerous relatives and warm friends. His remains were buried in the old Baptist graveyard on Fourche a Renault
[now called the Rabbit Hollow cemetery]. May God comfort the bereaved ones in their great loss.
Walter Barron and John Boyer, charged with
disturbing the peace of a family, plead guilty to the charge before Squire
Glore on Saturday and were fined $1 each and costs. They are serving out
their fine in the county jail.
On Wednesday last, Captain Fred Will was appointed
postmaster at Potosi, vice Mr. Benjamin Davidson. Capt. Will is at present
enjoying a vacation at Baden Baden Germany. He is expected at Potosi the
last of this month and will take charge of the office July 1st.
William McGuire was cutting wood at the Kaye Mines
last Monday when the ax glanced and inflicted an ugly wound in his foot.
He says this is the eighth time he has had such an accident, and just made
an application of turpentine and kept on chopping.
Tom Johnson, who lives on the Shields farm on this
(Bates) creek, will soon move to the Coleman farm, on Furnace Creek.
Dr. Bowser and Andrew Oster went to St. Louis last
week to a hospital, where a surgical operation was to be performed upon
the latter.
Probate Court Docket -
February Term 1899
Ed Summers (colored) died last Saturday at noon of
consumption. He was in poor circumstances and a collection was taken up in
town to defray his burial expenses. This is the second death Potosi, with a
population of 800, has had in the past 12 months.
A sluging party was given at the home of Mr. S.P.
Patterson last Saturday night in honor of his 28th birthday. Singing was
kept up until 9:00 p.m. when a nice supper prepared for the occasion was
partaken by the guests. After supper a candy pulling match was held until
the hour of midnight. Amoung the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ben, Martin, and
Mrs. Martin of Furnace Creek, and Miss Lea Hutchings of ________ Creek
Uncle Tom Maxwell fell on the sleet Saturday and
broke his arm. Lovel Bryan also slipped from the same cause and fractured
his hip.
Obituary Partial Obituary Born to the wife of Greeny Mason, a daughter.
Mother and child are doing well and Mr. Mason is able to proceed to work
Roe Eaton is the happy father of another girl.
Mrs. Eaton and the baby are doing well...
Return to the Washington County homepage
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play (Ste. Genevieve Mo.), January 16, 1892
On Friday morning, Jan 1, 1892, on her eighty first birthday, Mrs. Juliette Casey, nee Detchemendy, died at her residence
No. 3416 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis Mo. Mrs. Casey was the daughter of Pascal Detchemendy, of Ste. Genevieve, Mor.,
the well-known attorney who died not long since at Potosi, Mo. She was the wife of John Casey, who died in 1962 and lived
for many years at Old Mines in the county. Mrs. Casey was the mother of John P. Casey, who is well known to the citizens
of Washington County, Thomas S. Casey, of Los Angeles, California, Jules A. Casey, Mrs. Joseph Boyce and the late Mrs.
Theresa Lynch of St. Louis. The deceased was buried beside her husband at the family burial lot in Mount Olive cemetery,
St. Louis on January 3rd.
The Weekly Herald Dispatch, Decatur, Illinois, October 29, 1892
St. Louis, Oct. 24
Strange and startling is the story told by Louis New, of 2208 North
Broadway, of a murder committed last December, and for which Mike
Pataschwich, a Hebrew junk dealer, was arrested at Mineral Point, a settlement
some miles down on the Iron Mountain, this morning.
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play (Ste. Genevieve Mo.), November 19, 1892.
The county jail at Potosi in Washington county is condemned so Sheriff Hurst informs us, and he was obliged to place Mrs.
Byington in the St. Louis jail for safe keeping.
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play (Ste. Genevieve Mo.), January 21, 1893.
The Richwoods correspondent of the Potosi Independent says: "In Mr. John Flynn's parlor, hangs a picture that was drawn
by his daughter, Miss Fannie, for which he has refused $500."
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Saint Louis Christian Evangelist, March 9, 1893
William S. Smith, departed this life February 13, 1893, being 58 years, 5 months, and 10 days old. He was born in Kentucky, September 3, 1834, and came with his father, Benjamin Smith, to Missouri in 1840, and located in Washington County, where on September 8, 1855, he married to Emily Simpson, who with seven children, four girls and three boys, still survive him. Bro. Smith obeyed the gospel in 1856 and for 37 years has lived a devoted Christian. He was a modest, unassuming, yet uncompromising disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was loved and respected by all that knew him. The church at Pleasant Hill sustains a great loss, but we know it is his great gain, so may we all strive to meet him where parting will be no more. To the bereaved family we would say, "Weep not as those who have no hope."
I. B. Dodson, Hematite MO
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play., April 29, 1893.
Mr. John Flynn, a highly respected citizen of Richwoods, Washington county, died at his home last Tuesday evening.
John Flynn died 25 Apr 1893 and is buried in St. Stephens Cemetery - .ed
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Fair Play
June 17, 1893Submitted by Christine Lembeck
St. Louis Post Dispatch
(this article has been condensed)
June 21, 1893
At the Church of St. Thomas Aquina on Osage street and Tow avenue, at 9 o'clock this morning Miss Mary A. Fox, daughter of Mr. P. Fox, the
Catholic book publisher, was married to Mr. Frances Boyer, of Old Mines, Washington Co, Missouri.
The bride and groom entered the church together to the strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" and were attended by two bridesmaids, Miss
Cinda Boyer, sister of the groom and Miss Agnes Fox, who were simply and girlishly gowned in white dotted swiss of the shower of hall
At 4 o'clock the happy couple left for Old Mines, Mo., where they will in future reside. The house the groom has purchased for the bride
was the old family home of her great aunt Mme. LaMarque, in which the bride's parents were married.Submitted by Christine Lembeck
St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 14, 1893
Mineral Point, Mo., - Mr. H. Bub, on old resident and highly
esteemed citizen of Potosi, Missouri, died at his home in Potosi after an
illness of two months. Mr. Bub has been
connected with the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railways for the past
twenty years as agent and conductor on the the Potosi branch. His remains were interred at Potosi yesterday
with Masonic honors.
San Antonio Daily Express, San Antonio, Texas, August 11, 1893
The body of Mrs. W. L. Hargus, who died almost four years ago at Fort Ewell (?), LaSalle County, was brought in here and shipped by Pacific
Express yesterday via International and Great Northern railway for final internment at Cadet, Missouri.
Cutulla, Texas
Editor's note: Mary L. (HARGUS) HARGUS, daughter of Isaac U. & Mary E. HARGUS, was the wife of William L. HARGUS. She was born
12 Sep 1862 and died 15 Jun 1890. She was buried in Old Mines Baptist Cemetery.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
July 12, 1894, Weekly Independent
Stephen Connolly of St. Louis, is spending a few
days visiting Mr. Joseph Connolly in Potosi
Submitted by Thomas Fea
The Cape Girardeau Democrat., January 5, 1895.
Joseph Forschee one of the pioneer settlers of Washington county died recently, aged 92.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Saint Louis Christian Evangelist, January 25, 1895
The cause of Christ in Washington Co., Mo., seems to be taking on new life since Brother I. B. Dodson has been employed as its evangelist. I have just returned from a cooperative meeting held at Pleasant Hill Church on the 4th, 5th, and 6th. Brother A. W. Scott served as Chairman and Miss Stella Hancock as Secretary. There were four preachers present, I. B. Dodson, C. W. Larned, S. W. Robinson, and Robert Abrams.
February 14, 1895, Weekly Independent
Marriage License
Eli Robert and Martha Boyer, both of Union twp
Robert Degonia and Mary Boyer, both of Union twp
Mr. (Edward) Rooney was buried Monday, February 11,
1895, at Old Mines and, despite the severe weather a large concourse of
friends, including many of his railroad fraternity attended the funeral.
The deceased was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1841, moved to Missouri
in 1859, and married Miss Mary O'Connell, of Irondale, December 25, 1878,
to whom seven children were born, five of which still survive with the
devoted wife and mother. (buried in St. Joachim Cemetery. Ed.)
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Los Angeles Herald, February 21, 1895
Irondale, Mo., Feb. 20 - The throes of the great blizzard of February 6th, 7th and 8th are just beginning to be learned from the far outlying "wood choppings" of Washington County. From Beaufort Mountains, eight miles southwest of this place, comes the report of a sad incident which happened in the section. A woodchopper name John C. Warner, his wife and three children were found frozen to death.
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play., May, 04, 1895.
The Green family, consisting of A. M. Green and his five sons, whose arrest for the murder of David Hildebrand is
attracting such widespread attention, have been transferred from the jail at Steelville, Crawford county, to the Washington
county jail at Potosi for safe keeping. Fear of their being lynched if left in the Steelville jail was the cause of the
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
June 9, 1895
"Society Belles of Potosi, MO"[No photo accompanied this article - Ed.]
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play., November 23, 1895.
The earthquake of last week must have awakened the republicans of the country as
they were all at the election on Tuesday. - Potosi Independent.
Submitted by Patricia Weeks
The mangled remains of Charles Kidd of Mineral Point, this county, were found on the railroad tracks at Fredericktown, Mo last Saturday morning.
From the best information we can gather, it is supposed that Kidd was murdered and robbed, his body afterwards thrown on the track to be
mutilated by passing trains in order to hide the crime. It was known that Kidd had quite a sum of money on his person before starting from
Fredericktown to the depot, and that he had spent none on the way. As only a small amount was found on his person, and the fact that the body
was cold when pulled out from under the engine by the engineer who discovered it, it is strong evidence of foul play. It is to be hoped that
the authorities of Madison County will thoroughly investigate this case and, if possible, bring the guilty parties to justice.FREDERICKTOWN NEWS, January 4, 1896
FREDERICKTOWN NEWS, January 11, 1896
Editor's note: Charles H. KIDD was born 21 Jul 1877 and died 27 Dec 1895. He was the son of Henderson P. & Mary Catherine 'Kate' (BOYER) KIDD.
Charles is buried in Hopewell Cemetery.
Evening Bulletin, Decatur, Illinois, January 10, 1896
At Summit, Mo., Wednesday, two freight trains on the Iron Mountain road met on the same track. Engineer Fitzgerald and Fireman Lemons were
fatally injured.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Illinois, March 20, 1896
Mrs. Cora Stege, wife of William Stege, died Thursday at 1:15 p.m.,
after an illness of four days. She was stricken with a congestive chill
Monday morning and another on Wednesday and the third on Thursday caused
her death. Her parents were called to her bedside from East St.
Louis, Wednesday, but her power of speech had gone and she never recognized
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
The News boy, April 4, 1896
From Potosi Journal - The town of Caledonia in the south end of this county
experienced a serious fire on the 12th last, which caused a loss of
property amounting in the neighborhood of $5,000.00 The fire started in the residence of Mr. F.P.
Marrow from a defective flue and was soon beyond control. From the Marrow house the spread to the store
of C. L. Southall, adjoining, and thence across the street to the post office
where it was arrested by hard work.St. Louis Post Dispatch, April 30, 1896
Marriage Announcement
John Hammer of 3210 S. 7th Street to Rosa A. Walsh of Mineral Point, Missouri
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
The News boy, May 9, 1896
Arthur Ellis shot and killed Robert Parmley at a play party near Potosi Saturday
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Weekly Independent, January 11, 1897
Mr. Harvey W. Buckley was in Potosi on Friday last
en route to his home in Palmer from Oregon County, where he has been
visiting relatives. Harvey ordered the Independent mailed to him at
Steelville, Missouri, where he is attending the Normal and Business
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Fair Play., December 05, 1896.
Last Friday evening two strangers were in Potosi for a short time, and while here attempted to pass counterfeit silver
dollars over the counters of several of our merchants. The claimed to reside in Harmony township, Cortois, but when asked
where the got the counterfeit money they expressed surprise that is was counterfeit, and could not explain where it came
from. They quietly left town over the Palmer road. - Potosi Independent.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Weekly Independent, January 12, 1897
Gideon Wood, guardian of John E. Smith, a
Mary E. Wood, administratrix of Eliza
Wallen, deceased
John F. Farrel, administrator of
Simon A. Farrel, deceased
Thomas Welch, guardian
of Mary G. Welch and James Perry Welch, minors
Richard H. Jackson, administrator of Mahala Jackson,
James A. Shields, administrator of
Gardner Hemenway, deceased
David N. Sparks (?),
administrator of Merdicia Howard, deceased
Submitted by Thomas Fea
Potosi Journal January 27, 1897
Died at his home on Indian Creek on the morning of January 20th, 1897, William Fea, aged 38 years and 4 months.
He was confined to his bed just ten days with pneumonia, which was the ailment that cut him down in the prime of
life. Friend and relative alike, grieved deeply when they heard that he was seriously ill, but still maintained
the hope that he might recover. When, however, he was summoned upon that final pilgrimage by Him who doeth all
things well, they gave him up to their loss and sorrow.
And thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God who has bereft us, He
Call all our sorrows heal.
Yet again we hope to meet thee when
The day of life has fled;
Where in Heaven with joy we greet
Thee, where no farewell tears are shed.
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Winchester Journal, June 2, 1897
Levy, Washington County, MO,
Dear Editors:
I thought perhaps you would like to hear from the hills of Missouri and as that is now my home, I will drop a few lines to the Journal as I am a reader of that paper. Everything here is booming, wheat is heading, and corn is being planted the second time, there will be plenty of wild fruit here, but peaches are mostly killed. Fish weighing from one to four pounds are in abundance, and easily caught. The new potatoes are as large as hulled walnuts, so you see we are ahead of Indiana. I live about thirty miles the Iron and Ozark Mountains; it is also twelve miles to the depot. There is lead on the place we live on. Foxes can be heard barking around the house every night. My father is an old soldier and belongs to the G.A.R. post at Trenton. Very Truly Yours, Miss Ina A. Sheppard
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
June 3, 1897, Weekly Independent
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
December 1897, Weekly Independent
Messrs. Harmon and Price, who live in the same
house, gave their five year old sons a hatchet each to play with. The
other day the lads told their mammas they were going out to chop cord
wood, and a short time afterward they were both heard crying. Mrs.
Harmon rushed out to find young Price had accidentally cut one of her boy's
fingers off. Dr. Bowser dressed the crippled hand.
M____ Casey, guardian of
Clara Casey, minor
Thomas Welch, guardian of James
P and Mary G Welch, minors
Edward Eversole,
administrator of estate of Felix Barron, deceased
Annie R. Hays, administratrix of estate of James M.
Hays, deceased
Lucy J Bust, administratrix of
estate of Robert Bust, deceased
Peter S Coleman,
executor of Adrian Coleman, deceased
James A
Shields, administrator with will annexed, of Wm G Howard, deceased
Charles W Lucas, executor of Philip Lucas,
A J Norwine, guardian of Alvin L. House,
Louis Barron, guardian of David Barron et.
al., minors
Lane Parmley, guardian of Mary S Boyd,
a minor
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
Potosi Journal December 15, 1897
Mrs. Huddleston, wife of Luke Huddleston, and old
citizen living about four miles east of Potosi, died last Friday night. She
was buried Sunday in the cemetery at Hopewell
Potosi Journal, December 22, 1897
Died, at her late home, near Summit, Missouri, Mrs.
Celestial Huddleston, wife of Luke Huddleston, on December 10, 1897, of
pneumonia, at the age of 63 years, 4 months, and 8 days. Mrs. Huddleston
was for 50 years a consistent member of the M. E. Church South, and died
rejoicing in a Savior's love. She was a woman of kindly nature, beloved by
all who knew her, and her death casts a gloom over the hearts of her many
friends. She leaves an aged husband, two daughters and a son, to mourn her
Submitted by Christine Lembeck
March 1899, Weekly Independent
Circuit Court
State vs. Thomas Turnbaugh,
disturbing religious worship, trial by jury, verdict of guilty and fined
Joseph B. Salmon vs Jeannett R. Salmon,
divorce; dismissed for want of prosecution
A. S.
Dyckman et. al. vs. John T. Gough, suit in ejectment
J. Patterson vs. Samuel & J. Richeson, appeal
from justice of the peace court; dismissed
L. Martin et al vs Wm. C. Ross et. al. suit to ___ title to real estate
Lena Schlichtig vs Frank Schlichtig, divorce,
plaintiff granted custody and care of child
Fletcher vs. Wm. Fletcher, divorce; granted
____ Smith vs. B. Ward
Noah R. Richardson vs Annie
D. Richardson, divorce; continued
Wm. Guly vs.
Amanda Guly, divorce; plaintiff granted custody and care of children
State vs John Thompson, disturbing public meeting,
plea of guilty and fined $1
State vs Rufus Jordan,
carrying a pistol, plea of guilty and fined $50
Howard Carr vs Charles Carr, continued
Robert H. Evans vs James Dee, action on judgment;
dismissed by plaintiff
Samuel A. Crocker & Co.
vs J. L. Eaton, action on account, dismissed by plaintiff, receipt
produced showing payment of account
Mary Bean vs
H. Griffith, action for slander, judgment by confession for plaintiff in
the sum of $800.00
State vs. Anthony Declue,
carrying a pistol, trial by jury, verdict not guilty
Eliza Farrar vs George V. Farrar; divorce; granted
State vs Wm. Blair, felonious assault; plea of
guilty; fined $10
LUKE HUDDLESTON was born in Douglas County Arkansas,
May 15, 1824, came to Washington County Missouri before the Civil War in
1859, where he lived until his death. He was married in 1840 to Miss
Sophia Hill, with whom he lived happily until her death in 1860. He was
married a second time to Miss Celestial Barron in 1862. A few years agohe
sent for his pastor and was received into the Methodist Church at his home
in a quiet way. He was a kind husband, a self-sacrificing father, always
willing to do what he couldfor the comfort of his children, of whom six
survive him. He passed over the last river from the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Laird, at the Hotel Austin in Potosi, Missouri, March 5, 1899.The
remains were carried to Hopewell Cemetery to wait the resurrection morn.
MRS. A. F. ANDES died of pneumonia, at Belgrade,
Missouri, Saturday morning February 23, 1899 and was buried beside her
mother and sisters, the following day in the Presbyterian church yard, at
Potosi, Missouri. Florence Coghill was born in Amherst County, Virginia,
April 4, 1859. When quite a young girl she came with her mother and family
to Potosi, where she resided for a number of years.
Larry Flesher, Washington County, MO