Marriage Book #35 Index - by Bride´s Surname

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | Mc | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Lizzie Abbott 81
Della Abney 358
Sarah Abney 67
Ava Ackinson 107
Lucy Adams 246
Mrs. Alice Adams 409
Mabel Adanes 242
Nellie Addington 28
Nannie E. Alexander 411
Martha B. Allen 258
Emma Rose Anderson 181
Millie Anderson 240
Mrs. Nora E. Anderson 398
M. Asaly 162
Almer Ashbaugh 11
Eva C. Asplin 72
Eva Atckison 57
Clara Atkinson 291
Afary Aubuchon 257
Maggie M. Aubuchon 271
Rosa Aubuchon 332
Eva Auvcomb 207
Mrs Jennie E. Bable 160
Alma Baker 151
Minnie Baker 122
Vigie A. Baker 295
Pearl Ballard 88
Maggie L. Banta 370
Phoeba Barcus 118
Mrs. Abbie Barker 155
Mary Barron 90
Mary Bates 345
Cora A. Batteral 140
Mrs. Stella Batteral 69
Mrs. Jennie Battrel 234
Annie Bays 294
Maud Beal 127
Minnie Beck 52
? Beers 130
Jane Beers 291
Ollie Beers 29
Mattie Bellfield 310
Myrtle Bellfield 253
Sophronia Benoint 211
Susan Benson 211
Docia Benton 218
Fannie Benton 38
Ava Bequette 58
Clara Bequette 419
Clementine Bequette 179
Cora M. Bequette 114
Josephine Bequette 33
Stasha Bequette 193
Ethel May Berry 401
Rosa E. Berry 59
Hattie A. Bishop 354
Minnie E. Black 29
Alice Blair 138
Stella Bluston 21
Emma Bode 391
Jennie Bone 36
Laura Bone 19
Laura Bell Boulck 192
Alpha Bourasaw 254
Bridget Bouresaw 256
Mary Bourisaw 274
Susan E. Bourisaw 263
Ada Bours 15
Lela A. Bouse 340
Eddius Boyd 182
Agnes Boyer 351
Alice Boyer 235
Anna M. Boyer 222
Carrie Boyer 182
Carrie Boyer 328
Clara May Boyer 427
Edges Boyer 394
Edith L. Boyer 285
Eliza Boyer 174
Ethel Boyer 83
Fannie Boyer 48
Fannie Boyer 407
Hellen P. Boyer 402
Ida Boyer 164
Letha Boyer 39
Leua Boyer 153
Maggie Boyer 161
Mamie M. Boyer 218
Mary Boyer 87
Mary Boyer 118
Mary A. Boyer 240
Mary D. Boyer 319
Mary Rosa Boyer 347
Mrs. Julia Boyer 198
Mrs. Lucy Boyer 277
Neelie Boyer 351
Nora Boyer 154
Rosie Boyer 128
Sarah Boyer 366
Stacia Boyer 116
Weily Justine 180
Lizzie Brakefield 123
Kate Branaugh 292
Birdie Brasley 69
Lydia Brasley 3
Lucy Braswell 152
Ethel Breman 408
Madish A. Bridges 136
Mary Bridges 61
Julia Brinley 404
Emma Brock 268
Lillie Brown 98
Dottie Bruce 424
Amanda Brunk 333
May Brunk 333
Lelia S. Bryan 311
Ruth Bryan 204
Essie C. Buckley 175
Martha Burger 17
Mrs. Josie Burger 364
Mrs. Josie M. Burgess 352
Mrs. Clara Burgin 269
Ethel M. Burnett 320
Gertrude A. Burwell 280
Alice Busey 5
Billie Cain 298
Hattie Cain 18
Maria L.E. Cain 190
Martha Cain 173
Sarah Cain 356
Nellie Calahan 269
Cora Callehan 248
Rosie Ella Calvert 108
Alice Campbell 227
Myrtle Campbell 143
Lulu Cane 300
Blanche Cardia 418
Minnie Carr 68
Fannie Carrigan 56
May E. Carter 185
Nellie Cash 308
Lucille Catlett 184
Mary Josephine Cattlett 179
Laura Charbonian 103
Claire C. Clark 286
Addie Coffman 320
Laura Alice Coffman 92
Lillie M. Cole 388
Myrtle Cole 252
Alice Coleman 297
Cora Coleman 191
Emma Coleman 329
Ethel Coleman 414
Etta M. Coleman 146
Josephine Coleman 82
Julia Coleman 400
Katie Coleman 17
Lizzie Coleman 70
Lizzie Coleman 403
Lulu Coleman 5
Maggie Coleman 85
Maggie Coleman 126
Nora M. Coleman 244
Rosa Coleman 230
Rosa Coleman 332
Rosa E. Coleman 62
Terrcy Coleman 318
Zoie Coleman 75
Elsie M. Compton 213
Mrs. Eliza Connoway 215
Susie Conway 101
Ida Cook 125
Jessie L. Cook 237
Lillie Cook 171
Alice Courtaway 272
Mary A. Courtaway 252
Susie Courtaway 357
Cora Courtois 148
Julia Courtois 104
Suda Anna Courtois 144
Theresa Courtois 21
Laura Courtway 309
Ollie Covendon 138
Abbie Cover 387
Mary A. Cracky 238
Amanda Craig 27
Betsey Cresswell 93
Eliza Ann Cresswell 123
Nettie Crocker 426
Mrs. Minerva E. Crow 423
Lula M. Crump 342
Hester Daggs 224
Lizzie Daniels 149
Pearl Dans 348
Clara Daugherty 316
Emma L. Daugherty 221
Alice Daughtery 128
Ava Daun 200
Josephien Daus 157
Daisy Davis 305
Emma Dean 378
Nealy Dean 349
Samantha Deaton 77
Ida DeCastro 213
Latty B. Declous 361
Elizabeth Declue 34
Ella Declue 12
Elsie Declue 225
Florence Declue 384
Julia Declue 183
Lillian Declue 206
Louard Declue 255
Mamie Declue 273
Margaret Declue 46
Mary A. Declue 106
Mary Jane DeClue 350
Rosa Jane Declue 79
Sarah Declue 68
Theresa Declue 398
Bertha M. Degonia 125
Eliza Degonia 96
Gertrude Degonia 189
Mary Degonia 76
Pauline M. Degonia 380
Madge G. Denning 61
Lottie Denton 135
Maud G. Denton 396
Ellen Derben 376
Rosa Annie Dericson 196
Mrs. Alice Derourse 49
Ella May Dickey 97
Ethel Dickey 296
Sallie A. Dickey 423
Addie Dicus 89
Dora M. Dicus 141
Effie Dicus 256
Sophronia Dicus 189
Mary Dixon 145
Hallie Donald 315
Bessie Douglas 331
Jessie Douglas 96
Mrs. Sophia Dowd 289
Grace Downard 52
Minta Downard 217
Margaret Doyen 22
Lonnie Drimciss 45
Mattie Duncan 112
Mrs. Sallie Duncan 133
Mrs. A.S. Dunlap 157
Elma Durbin 377
Maggie Durbin 183
Emma Durbon 75
Julia Bell Duty 432
Ernestine Dyer 85
Bessie Eaton 71
Cora J. Eaton 336
Clara Echnetzens 377
Maggie Eddington 324
Mrs. Emma J. Edwards 258
Annie M. Eisbenberger 266
Estelle Ellis 338
Lucy Ennis 56
Naney Erickson 51
Annie Essinger 379
Malinda Essinger 32
Annie Evans 136
Nellie J. Evans 411
Emma Falkner 74
Eva Falkson 13
Ella O. Farrell 92
Nettie Feuslee 424
Mamie Fickert 270
Lena Filge 207
Susan Alice Fisher 27
Grace Fisler 344
Ella Fitch 430
Eliza H. Fitzwater 239
Emma E. Fitzwater 254
Lettie M. Fitzwater 247
Minnie Fitzwater 375
Mrs. Eva Flood 166
Maggie S. Flynn 324
Margaret Flynn 134
Margaret Flynn 294
Martha J. Flynn 110
Manda L. Forshee 341
Mildred M. Fourisend 357
Ida Franklin 307
Mrs. Eliza Franklin 40
Annie Freeman 399
Emily L.E. Frun 327
Minnie Furguson 330
Laura E. Gallaher 41
Ellen Gamble 20
Hattie J. Gibbons 382
Annie M. Gibson 275
Cora Gibson 25
Cora A.Gibson 119
Sarah J. Gibson 8
Susie Gibson 42
Ava Gillam 198
Ava Gillam 238
Bertha Gillam 268
Dulcie Bell Gillam 260
Ida Gillam 225
Mary Gillam 28
Mattie Gillam 323
Phronia Gillam 346
May C. Glore 117
Cornelia A. Godat 233
Dora E. Godat 93
Emma C. Goff 323
Fannie Goff 43
Ella Golden 427
Sallie M. Goodson 405
Minnie Gorda 362
M. Govers 162
Effie Govors 236
Mary Govors 224
Lizzie Grable 364
Exie Graves 353
Vina Graves 419
Cassie Green 148
Genevieve Green 137
Georgia Green 4
Ida Green 95
Lizzie Greenwood 47
Eliza Grenia 139
Lillie Grenia 124
May Maranda Grier 22
Anna Griffith 215
Carrie Grisham 23
? Grunell 38
Pauline C. Gugginburger 293
Dollie Guinthes 223
Jennie M. Gunter 210
Lucy Haggard 302
Susie Haggard 302
Della Halbert 277
Lee O. Halbert 313
Gracie P. Halley 418
Mildred Hallows 385
Hannah Hally 342
Eva Halsey 412
Mrs. Mary Hamlin 220
Estella Hancock 343
Ethel J. Hansell 142
Gertie Hansell 395
Gertie A. Hanson 336
Lida May Harine 310
Annie Harper 11
Blanche Harper 120
Gracie Harrel 321
Mary J. Harten 98
Rachel Hartman 386
Alice Harvey 313
Margaret A. Harvey 9
Susie R. Harvey 327
Annie Hausly 197
Mrs. Mary E. Hawkins 299
Agnes Hayes 428
Bertha Hayes 31
Clara A. Hayes 226
Sarah Hayes 306
Catherine Hazard 170
Laura L. Heason 236
Gertrude Helms 88
Annie Helues 216
Lavina Henderson 103
Lucinda Henshe 275
Edith A. Henslee 279
Tabitha Hensley 314
Gertrude Frances Hill 32
Katie Hill 421
Lena Hill 339
Ollie E. Hill 393
Mrs. Josie J. Hiller 226
May Hinch 115
Mrs. Eliza Hirchstep 51
Hannah Hopkins 54
Nettie E. Hopkins 46
Prudy Hopkins 6
Cora Horine 24
Maggie Horine 180
Emily C. Hornsey 348
Mattie Hornsey 335
Stella Horten 403
Ama Horton 131
Amanda E. Horton 325
Dicie Horton 200
Eva Horton 70
Laura Horton 416
Mansie Hotzidg 45
Sarah E.M. Howard 362
Lula C. Howell 428
Mrs. Ettie Hudson 235
Carrie J. Huffman 176
Bertha Huitt 129
Bessie C. Huitt 281
Cora Huitt 263
Mamie Huitt 380
Mrs. Harriett Huitt 420
S. Edith Huitt 350
Emma Hulsey 142
Lillie Hulsey 73
Amanda Huskey 113
Hattie Huskey 94
Maggie Hutchings 44
Laura Isabell 281
Julia Isgrigg 78
Blanch Isgriggs 212
Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson 199
Mrs. Mary A. Jackson 194
Liddie Jacobs 177
Eliza Jamison 26
Maggie Jarvis 39
Maude E. Jarvis 255
Mollie Jarvis 132
Virdie Jarvis 130
Sarah M. Jefferies 1
Bertha Jennings 10
Frances Jennings 53
Mrs. Caroline Jennings 365
A.V. Jinkerson 209
Annie Johnson 389
Blanch Johnson 147
Clara Johnson 105
Etta Johnson 409
Gertrude Johnson 195
Irene Johnson 169
Mattie H. Johnson 293
Rolla C. Johnson 295
Berth L. Johnston 325
Emily K. Johnston 114
Jettie M. Johnston 405
Maggie Johnston 290
Jettie Jones 165
Maggie Jones 131
Margery C. Jones 147
Sarah L. Jones 390
Rosa Jullerette 278
Estelle Justin 265
Onary Kavanaugh 151
Ellen M. Kay 178
Jonnie Kay 13
Bessie Keley 192
Mrs. Jane Z. Kendall 109
Ruby C. Kendall 363
May E. Kenderick 216
Mrs. Amanda Keppler 270
Fannie F. Key 414
Julia Key 374
Rosa Key 202
Josephine Kincaid 284
Annie L. King 247
Cene King 6
Josephine King 99
Margaret L. King 20
Vonia May King 159
Viola Kissenger 163
Emma LaChance 393
Laura LaChance 232
Annie Lago 340
Maud Lake 421
Aglia E. Lapie 271
Mary E. Larmer 63
Mrs. M. Lawrence 158
Pearl Lawrence 164
Elizabeth Lawson 64
Stella Leclure 43
Sallie Leffler 50
Martha Lefirge 359
Maggie Lefrige 18
Sarah Litrell 210
Hattie Lollar 262
Winnie Loomis 314
Mary Elizabeth Love 367
Mintie Lucas 2
Sarah E. Luttrall 326
May H. Lyon 330
Mollie Maddin 86
Mrs. Eliza L. Major 196
Mahala J. Maness 413
Lillian Mannings 347
Ida M. Marlar 212
Belle Marler 105
Lucy E. Marler 322
Samantha Marlow 71
Myrtle A. Marris 396
Rachel C. Martew 208
Allie Martin 306
Bessie Martin 102
Bessie L. Martin 356
Elvie Martin 355
Hattie J. Martin 389
Iva Martin 82
Josephine Martin 122
Mabel Martin 44
Ona Martin 259
Pearl E. Martin 407
Effie Mason 110
Lucy Matchell 272
Lena Matsch 101
Rebecca Matthews 228
Rosa Matthews 169
Mary Mauss 229
Mrs. Maud Mauze 237
Maud Dent Maxwell 267
Maud L. Maxwell 390
Laura L. Means 406
Maggie Mecie 81
Clara E. Mercer 42
Agnes Mercielle 366
Alice Mercielle 345
Emma Mercille 408
Vinnie Merrett 410
Sarah Messy 181
Mrs. Ettie Metcalf 228
Mrs. W.W. Metcalf 99
Susan May Middleton 250
Zoa Midgett 199
Belle Miller 108
Francis Miller 339
Martha Miller 1
Nancy Jane Miller 425
Ella Missey 191
Maggie M. Missey 432
Rosie Missey 205
Maude E. Montgomery 242
Minrrel Montgomery 249
Pauline Montgomery 251
Callie Moon 10
Carrie Mosier 250
May A. Mosier 227
Mrs. Eliza A. Motley 177
Alice Moyer 173
Clara Mucielle 335
Mrs. Vinnie Murdick 426
Belle Murphy 144
Susan Murphy 318
Lizzie Murrey 372
Melvina McAfee 111
Rosa Anna McAvinney 90
Ava M. McEwen 279
Cleonia McEwen 283
Bertha B. McFadden 360
Viola McFadden 402
Stella A. McFarland 214
Carrie McGee 94
Nellie McGrew 383
Nellie McIntire 65
Mabel McIntyer 63
Hattie McIntyre 172
Mrs. Addie McMaceus 260
Ida M. McMillen 410
Blanche McMullin 259
Cora McPeke 233
Sallie McSpaden 76
Eliza Nasby 60
Pearl M. Neely 355
Eva Newcomb 129
Florence Newcomer 298
Clara M. Nicholson 384
Mary Nidelet 429
Lottie Nipper 297
Lucy J. Nixon 401
Rosa Nolen 79
Bessie Northcutt 72
Mary Northcutt 158
Maud Northcutt 97
Mary Northington 64
Mrs. Mary Nurseal 249
Sarah Orr 371
Josephine Osia 315
Maud Osia 349
Leatha L. Owens 416
Mrs. Ellen Owens 399
Mrs. Rebecca J. Owens 156
Sadie Owens 115
Bessie Page 126
Maud S. Page 30
Bessie Palmer 370
Fannie B. Palmer 304
Jettie Parke 262
Ella Parker 241
Rosa Parker 283
Jettie Parkin 202
Maggie Parks 155
Agnes Partney 186
Alphia Pasha 234
Ollie Pashia 133
Cinthe Paul 66
Mary J. Paul 337
Mrs. Nellie Paul 397
Theresa Paul 87
May Paul 84
Minnie Paumley 381
Lucy Edith Penhall 168
Cleda M. Pennington 111
Annie Ethel Pennock 132
Bessie Phares 214
Florence Picket 304
Monnie Pierce 413
Lizzie Piggett 232
Ella Pinson 188
Essie Pinson 167
Fannie S. Pinson 59
Matilda Pitts 251
Carrie Politte 392
Elizabeth Politte 16
Francis Politte 381
Katie Politte 261
Mary A. Politte 121
Mrs. Bridget M. Politte 429
Mrs. Rosa Politte 150
Nora C. Politte 34
Pelina Politte 219
Tressie Politte 208
Agnes S. Pollete 248
Annie Portell 219
Gertrude Portell 276
Julia E. Portell 134
Rosie Portell 159
Daisy Pratt 150
Elizabeth Pratt 280
Frances Pratt 391
Mary Pratt 203
Sallie Pratt 12
Cora Pressley 319
Mary S. Pritchett 139
Irene Province 406
Helen E. Puckett 317
Laura Puckett 14
Reacy Pyatt 388
Etta Queen 33
Janie Queen 170
Helena Raddatz 422
Estoria Raderigus 425
Christine Ramo 375
Isle B. Ramsy 292
Stella Rande 50
Kattie Reande 66
Edna N. Reando 307
Nelia Recar 149
Julia M. Record 354
Elizabeth H. Riando 341
Bertha Richards 303
Emma Richards 352
Eva A. Richards 287
Mrs. R.F. Richmond 24
Mrs. R.F. Richmond 37
Mrs. Ellen Robart 40
Ada Robinson 9
Lulu Robinson 143
Ellen Roderick 102
Elsie Roderick 206
Lena Roderipal 288
Mrs. Ellen Rodgers 334
Leona M. Rolefring 392
Lottie Ronald 288
Mrs. Marie E. Ross 378
Lulu M. Roubidaux 57
Mary Roussin 360
Tampa Roussin 221
Julia A. Ruby 286
Rosa Ruby 35
Emma B. Ruggles 231
Agnes Rulo 140
Harriett Rulo 84
Hattie E. Rulo 100
R. Emily Russ 430
Belly Sago 60
Sarah E. Sago 369
Mrs. Philomen Sanford 239
Ida C. Sappington 222
Edith P. Satterfield 301
Grace W. Sauer 404
Lizzie Sauschgrew 89
Rosa Sausoucie 311
Bessie Scabaums 26
Billie Scaggs 312
Ella Scaggs 161
Lillie Scaggs 152
Lena Schlightig 47
Elsie M. Schutte 394
Bertha J. Scott 165
Jeraella Scott 359
Susie Scott 257
Annie Seabourn 217
Lola M. Seabourne 334
Jannie Seals 412
Alma G. Sepastian 303
Helena Seyforth 417
Lillie Sheppard 95
Nora Sheppard 3
Ollie Sheppard 246
Minnie Shields 166
Lee Shirley 316
Frances Shore 186
Mrs. Katie Shore 422
Orfelia Shrum 287
Effie Simmons 35
Minnie Simmons 55
Susie J. Simmons 187
Maggie Simpson 223
Ellen C. Singer 371
Aora Sloan 195
Ava Sloan 243
Effie Sloan 178
Maggie Sloan 201
Annie Smith 30
Ava Smith 78
Charlotte Smith 197
Effie Smith 431
Elizabeth E. Smith 387
Emma Smith 36
Esther Smith 397
Grace Smith 184
Jennie Smith 201
Josephine Smith 301
Lizzie Smith 91
Mrs. Dellie Smith 135
Nancy Smith 299
Sarah C. Smith 145
Viola Smith 368
Mrs. Annie Snelson 7
Lola Stanford 25
Fannie Stephens 261
Clara A. Stevens 244
Ida Steward 58
Docia Stinson 176
Dora Stinson 116
Jennie Stivers 83
May St. Clair Stocking 241
Jennie C. Stotler 86
Ada Stout 187
Grace E. Strayer 358
Debi J. Stringer 19
Frances C. Stroup 121
Rosa M. Stroup 337
Katie Studairs 153
Lizzie Sturdard 331
Annie M. Stuthers 368
Effie Sullivan 23
M. Sutton 80
Bessie Tedder 309
Lizzie Thebeau 163
Mary Thebeau 253
Mary Nealy Thebeau 367
Ida Thebran 124
Ellen Thomas 48
Gladys Thompson 113
Julia Thompson 300
Minnie Tice 65
Ella Tillson 2
Minnie Tillson 373
Mollie Tillson 91
Rosa Tinker 62
Jennie Tolton 73
Mary E. Torkey 373
Agnes Torrance 137
Mabel Torrance 174
Marcella Torrance 276
Mrs. Susan Tourville 308
Annie B. Townsend 431
M.J. Townsend 264
Maggie Trokey 365
Meekie Trokey 328
Birdie E. Troutt 343
Mrs. Minnie Tullock 289
Annie Turnbough 353
Stella Turnbull 37
Susan E. Turnbull 205
Anna R. Urban 321
Mrs. Lowena M. Valles 265
Josephine Valley 16
Lizzie Maude Van Lear 266
Eliza A. Vance 185
Mary Vance 229
Sarah E. Vance 245
Harriett Vaughn 146
Myrtle Vaughn 264
Sophie Villemer 395
Agnes Villmer 119
Idell Villmer 267
Rosa B. Vilmar 379
Della Vineyard 141
Essie Vinyard 167
Susan Virrun 284
Susan Vivian 8
Carrie L. Waggoner 290
Clara E. Walbert 278
Ellen Walker 374
Alice Wallace 209
Mamie J. Wallace 285
Ollie G. Wallen 296
Mary Walls 156
Mrs. Mary A. Walls 363
Blanche Walton 175
Lillie Walton 203
Alpha Ward 243
Annie M. Webb 274
Hattie V. Webb 385
Jennie M. Webb 329
Mattie Webb 194
Iva A. Weber 326
Mary Weekley 188
Annie Weekly 107
Ava S. Weeks 204
Lue Welker 382
Alice Wellsy 231
Ellen M. West 400
Edith S. Whaley 338
Janie White 230
Blanche M. Whitehead 245
Lotty J. Whitehead 415
Ollie Whitehead 41
Mary Whiteside 4
Martha Wickerham 109
Eva Wickham 74
Dora E. Wideman 312
Annie J. Wigger 100
Mrs. Rachel Wigger 344
Melissa Wiley 15
Russie L. Wiley 322
Amanda Wilkenson 55
Annie Wilkenson 168
Josephine Wilkenson 160
Ida Wilkinson 317
Lillie Wilkinson 172
Aurelia Wilkson 14
Josephine Williams 112
Julia Williams 386
Alice Wilson 372
Docie Wilson 7
Mable A. Wilson 305
Nannie Wilson 53
Alice Wine 104
Agnes Wingo 120
Blanche J. Wingo 273
Emma E. Wisdom 49
Maggie V. Wisdom 346
Daisy E. Wishon 67
Enid V. Wishon 127
Minnie Wood 383
Bessie Woody 190
Effie Worden 117
Persilla Wright 361
Josie Wuders 80
Rosa Yalis 106
Nevada Yancey 193
Alice M. Yarbrough 420
Mary E. Yarbrough 54
Bell Yates 376
Eva Yount 415
Ila Yount 31
Jettie Yount 417
Lillian Yount 171
Liza M. Yount 282
Mrs. Mary Yount 154
Sarah C. Yount 282
Zoa Yount 369
Sallie S. Yous 220
Sula Zink 77

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This page was last updated on 27 October 1998.