St. James Catholic Church Records

records provided by Christine Lembeck

Various Baptisms 1889-1890 (read across)

October 12, 1889

Anna Leonia, d/o Ignatius Lapee and Estelle Gloriod
Sponsors: Joseph Lapee and Mary Lapee (At Richwoods)
Born: August 3, 1889
Joseph, s/o Francis Duclos and Margaret Rouleau
Born: June 2, 1889

October 20, 1889

Olivia Cora, d/o John Pasha and Sarah Portelle
Born August 17, 1889
Sarah Stella, d/o Frank Batrell and Mary Lachance
Born September 19, 1889

October 27, 1889

Joseph Wilford, s/o Z --- Pascha and Lucy Flynn
Born October 17, 1889

1890 ( I forgot to write down the month and day - sorry)

Jacob, s/o Ben Boyer and Alise Portelle
Born March 4, 1890

April 18, 1890

Francis, d/o (this name was erased) and Julia Pratt, his wife
Born May 1, 1889
Mary Frances, d/o William Torrence and Mary Christopher
Born February 18, 1890
Sophia Gertrude, d/o Henry Portelle and Mary Troke
Born March 2, 1890
Gertrude, d/o Zamo(?) Boyer and Rose Coleman
Born January 26, 1890

April 20, 1890

Alvis, s/o Sep--- Roderique and Josephine Aubuchon
Born February 9, 1890

May 4, 1890

Mary Elizabeth, d/o Francis Coleman and Fanny Bequette
Sponsors: David Boyer and C --- Coleman
Born April 6, 1890
Thomas David, s/o James (could be John) Duclos and Odile Pascha
Sponsors: Felix Boyer and Mary Ann Duclos
Born March 9, 1890
Henry Perry, s/o Peter Troke and Mary Roderique
Sponsors: Cloph-Boyer and Felicita Politte
Born February 3, 1890

May 11, 1890

Bertha and Gertrude, twins, d/o ----- Paul and Elizabeth Villemere
Born November 23, 1889
Mary Clara, d/o Peter Misse and Teresa Politte
Born January 11, 1890
Irene, d/o Josephine Mercile (patre incognito)
Born January 15, 1890

May 18, 1890

Thomas Alfinns, s/o John A. Duclos and Mary Virginia Thebaud
Born April 2, 1890

May 26, 1890

Alexis David, s/o Z--- Coleman and Mary Politte
Born March 15, 1890
Mary Frances, d/o William Jackson and Julia Ondos(?)
Born April 4, 1890

June 1, 1890

Charles Haley, s/o J.B. Boyer and Lucy J. Leclere
Born January 21, 1890
John Alphonsus, s/o William Sullivan and Marie Louise Bouchart
Born May 5, 1890
John Rodgers, s/o Ad--- Portelle and Alice Politte
Born February 13, 1890

June 22, 1890

Mary Caroline, d/o Eugene Boyer and Dora Boyer
Born May 13, 1890

July 6, 1890

Caroline Allie, (could be Alice), d/o Thomas Cummins and Elizabeth Lancaster
Sponsors: S--- Paul and Belle Paul
Born January 16, 1872
Daniel Casemin, s/o Rosine Troke
Born May 10, 1890

July 13, 1890

James Francis, s/o John Villemere and Mary Boyer
Sponsors: Paschal Duclos and Rose Pratt
Born June 1, 1890

Various Marriages 1914-1915 (read across)

John Coleman, s/o John Coleman and Rosie Trokey to
Mary Bone, d/o Orius Bone and Mary Boyer
Witnesses: Fred Coleman and Ida Bone
July 12, 1914

George W. Hornsey to
Bertha E. O'Mara
Witnesses: Frederick Hornsey and Catherine Connolly
August 3, 1914

Patrick O'Hanlon and
Elizabeth Eva Adams
Witnesses: Felix Campbell, Laura B. Adams, Myrtle O'Hanlon
September 16, 1914

Charles Abraham Johnston and
Clara Irene Rush
Witnesses: Fannie Walker (?), Paula B. Flynn
February 16, 1915

Edward Bone to
Virginia Skyles, d/o Jesse Skyles and Lucy Trockey
Witnesses: Frances Skiles and Mary Skiles
July 04, 1915

Felix Stephen Campbell to
Louisa Agnes Botten
Witnesses: John Campbell and Annie Campbell
October 12, 1915    Note: Married at Markette Hotel, St. Louis

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